The Power of a Pin

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Black to move and win!

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White to move and win!

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Black to move and win!

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White to move and win!

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White checkmates in one!

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B-g5 wins the rook as the bishop pins it to the king!

B-b5 wins the queen as she is pinned to the king!

N-d6 mate, as the pawn is pinned by the queen!

White to move and win!

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Black checkmates in one!

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R-e2 wins the bishop as the rook pins it to the king!

P-e5 wins the knight as it is pinned to the queen!

Q-e1 mate, as the bishop is pinned by the bishop!

Black to move and win!

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White checkmates in one!

 Answer below


R-d8 wins the knight, as it's pin to the rook!

B-c6 pins the rook to the queen! If white then moves R(d1)-f1, then black plays RxR! Assume the white replies RxR, black merely has to push his g-pawn up winning the black rook as that rook is now pinned to the queen! 

R-d5 mate, as black's pawn, queen, and rook are all pinned by white's pieces!